
Time to try something new?

Mark Foreman

04 March 2024

Golf is full of amazing feelings.

Golf Pride Reverse Taper putter grip

You may live for the rush you get when you strike a great drive off the tee, and the sheer satisfaction of watching your ball come to rest in an ideal location. Chipping in from off the green is always a truly special fist-pumping moment too, and there’s nothing quite like walking in a huge putt from a few dozen feet away.

Another fact is you may make one of the best shots of your life like this, but if the rest of your game isn’t quite in sync, the scorecard won’t be making your performance look quite so special.

There are no highlight reels on the scorecard

To make more satisfying, more memorable shots more often, we need to head out and practice. Plus, now that we’re nearing March it’s the perfect time to get your game in shape.


So, where do you start?

With arguably the most important club in your bag: the putter.

Think about it, on an average par-4 hole you would spend half your shots on the green putting. Extend that logic to the rest of your game, and you’ll be spending around 50% of your shots on the course with your hands wrapped around a putter grip.

Please see below a fascinating table outlining the putting statistics relevant to average performances of players of varying handicaps (credit:

Average No. of putts per handicapScratch10 handicap20 handicap
1-putts per round5.23.72.9
2-putts per round11.511.610.9
3-putts per round1.32.64
Putts per round30.733.536.2

This therefore makes the putter grip the most important point of contact you have with any club in the bag. It may not have been the kind of thing you’ve ever given much thought to, but are you sure you’re playing with the correct grip size?

Putter grips come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Generally speaking, smaller grips are ideal for juniors, ladies, and people with smaller hands while oversized grips suit players with larger hands.

Playing with a grip that’s not quite the right size for you will negatively impact your game. For example, if you’re playing with a grip that’s too small for you, you may be holding the grip tighter than you need to, putting more emphasis into your wrists during the stroke.

Golf Pride makes fantastic golf putter grips, and if you want to start the golfing season with your putter in prime condition, you’ll want to consider adding the Reverse Taper to your club.


Golf Pride's Reverse Taper putter grip


This putter grip is truly something special. Most putter grips start with a thick end and get narrower the further you move down the shaft, tapering the closer you get to the clubhead. However, as the name suggests, the Reverse Taper gets wider and thicker rather than narrower.

The idea behind this grip structure being to give you as much feel as possible in both of your hands. Both hands serve a purpose when you’re putting, and everyone tends to have a more dominant hand.

If you’re a right-handed golfer, your left hand may typically act as the anchor you lean on while your right hand judges the shot’s feel and pace. The grip will give you distinct feel in both hands and allow you to meet the ball squarely for more accurate strokes.

Golf Pride usually makes rubber putter grips, but in a first, they’ve created the Reverse Taper using polyurethane. This material is spongey and light to provide you lots of grip without affecting your swing weight.

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3 grips to choose from


There are three distinct varieties of putter grip in the Reverse Taper range: Flat, Pistol, and Round. Each grip comes in medium and large sizes.

The Flat grip has a flatter surface on the front that will suit players that prefer to rest their thumbs on a flatter surface. The Round grip is more like a typical cylindrical grip in shape. With a more protruding back section, the Pistol grip will give your supporting hand more to hold at the top of the grip.


Putter grip fitting


If you pop by the pro shop, we can very easily equip your putter with one of these fantastic putter grips. We’re always available and on-hand to give you our expert advice if you’re uncertain of what kind of grip would best suit you and how your approach to putting.


Don't miss out!

We’re also running a fantastic opportunity in the pro shop you won’t want to miss out on!


Buy a Reverse Taper putter and you could be in with a chance of winning £100 pro shop credit.

Are you feeling lucky? Think of all the wonderful gear you could get yourself if you won! If you’re thinking of getting any new grips on your clubs, we’re in the pro shop and ready to help you with your needs.

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